San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center


  36 of 122 Child, Youth, and Family Services in California
  331 in Child, Youth, and Family Services

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center Contact Informations

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center, an Child, Youth, and Family Services, at San Francisco.

Name : San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center

Address : 1001 Potrero Avenue San Francisco, California, 94110

Locality : San Francisco

Phone : 415-206-8376

Hours :
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

Map of San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center

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About San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center in San Francisco

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center is Child, Youth, and Family Services located at 1001 Potrero Avenue San Francisco, California, 94110

Phone number for San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center is 415-206-8376.

It ranks  36 of 122 Child, Youth, and Family Services in California.

It ranks  331 in Child, Youth, and Family Services.

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center have a complex and important role to play. San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center are a key provider of services for children and young people who are experiencing difficulties at home or in their community in San Francisco. They are also responsible for providing support to families and children who are in danger.

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center work with families and children to help them solve problems and build better lives. They provide a range of services, including:

- counselling and support for families in San Francisco

- help with problem solving

- family mediation in San Francisco

- family support services

- child welfare services in San Francisco

- emergency accommodation

- support for children and young people who are in care

- outreach services in San Francisco

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center work with a range of partners, including schools, health services, social services, and the criminal justice system in San Francisco.

San Francisco Health Network Childrens Health Center are committed to delivering quality services that meet the needs of the community in San Francisco.

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